40: Dealing with Pornography and Betrayal Trauma Part 1 - Stacey Fitzgerald


Stacy Fitzgerald shares her personal journey of healing from betrayal trauma and the development of her program, Becoming Safe. She discusses the impact of betrayal trauma on the body, soul, and spirit, emphasizing the importance of addressing trauma on all levels. Stacy highlights the need for crucial conversations and restitution in healing from betrayal, and the role of the betrayer in taking responsibility for their actions. She also explores the concept of moral injury and the connection between trauma and physical conditions like IBS. Overall, Stacy's story and insights provide hope and guidance for those navigating the healing process. 

Takeaways (Part 1 & 2)

Betrayal trauma is a deep wound that comes from a relational source, causing significant emotional and physical pain. A

Addressing trauma requires attention to the body, soul, and spirit, as trauma is stored in the body and affects all aspects of a person's being.

Crucial conversations are necessary for healing, allowing for open communication and the opportunity to address the impact of betrayal.

Restitution is an important aspect of healing from betrayal, with the betrayer taking responsibility for their actions and actively working towards healing and restoration.

Moral injury can occur in cases of betrayal, where the betrayer's actions cause intentional harm and breach trust.

Trauma can manifest in physical conditions like IBS, highlighting the interconnectedness of the body and mind in the healing process.

Trauma can manifest in physical and emotional symptoms, such as panic attacks and feelings of unsafety.

It is important to recognize and address trauma, even if it is not immediately obvious or recognized by others.

Trauma-informed counseling and support are crucial for healing.

Regulating the nervous system is essential for learning and functioning effectively.

Women should prioritize their own healing and seek help, knowing they are not alone.


00:00 Introduction and Stacy Fitzgerald's Bio

01:29 Parental Advisory and Introduction to Betrayal Trauma

05:22 Lack of Support and Recognition for Betrayal Trauma

07:11 The Power of Crucial Conversations

09:30 Recognizing the Wound and Embracing the Victim

10:57 The Impact of Betrayal Trauma on the Body

13:16 Understanding Moral Injury in Betrayal

14:41 Restitution and Taking Responsibility

20:12 The Connection Between Trauma and Physical Health

25:24 Becoming Safe Inside: A Journey of Identity and Healing

27:17 Recognizing and Naming Trauma



Takeaways (Part 1 & 2)

Betrayal trauma is a deep wound that comes from a relational source, causing significant emotional and physical pain. A

Addressing trauma requires attention to the body, soul, and spirit, as trauma is stored in the body and affects all aspects of a person's being.

Crucial conversations are necessary for healing, allowing for open communication and the opportunity to address the impact of betrayal.




http://www.onpurposeinternational.org https://onpurposeinternational.samcart.com/products/becomingsafe/ http://www.thejourneybackblog.com

 [email protected]