Who are you following?

faith May 28, 2024

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)
"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."

In every season of life, each of us plays the role of a follower. Whether in our personal lives, workplaces, or spiritual journeys, we find ourselves looking to others for guidance and inspiration. It is just as vital to be discerning in choosing whom to follow as it is to prepare to lead. The leaders we choose to follow can shape our paths, influence our growth, and impact our souls profoundly.
Reflecting on my journey, I am reminded of my time in the Air National Guard, where I had the privilege of serving under Chaplain Williams. In an environment where authoritarian leadership was the norm, Chaplain ‘Norm’ Williams' servant leadership shone brightly. His approach was not just about commanding and directing but about serving, encouraging, and inspiring those around him. As his chapel manager, I observed firsthand how his humility and dedication to serving others created an atmosphere of mutual respect and growth. Chaplain Williams listened deeply, cared genuinely, and led with a heart committed to seeing others thrive. His leadership was a beacon of light, encouraging even those with an authoritarian leadership style to embrace elements of servant leadership. Through his example, I learned that true leadership is not about asserting power but about empowering others.

Conversely, there was a time when I followed an unhealthy leader. This leader's approach was rooted in control, intimidation, and self-interest. The environment was tense, and the focus was on compliance rather than collaboration. The stark contrast between these two leaders taught me invaluable lessons about leadership and the impact it can have on those who follow. From Chaplain Williams, I learned that effective leadership nurtures growth, fosters a sense of belonging, and leaves a lasting positive impact on people’s lives. In contrast, following an unhealthy leader taught me the importance of integrity, empathy, and the need to build trust within a team.

These experiences have profoundly shaped my philosophy of leadership. I strive to lead with the same servant-hearted approach that Chaplain Williams embodied. I seek to listen more than I speak, to serve rather than to be served, and to inspire rather than to intimidate. As followers, let’s be discerning in choosing whom to follow, seeking leaders who exemplify wisdom, humility, and a genuine heart for service. And as leaders, let us remember that our influence is powerful and lasting, shaping the lives and futures of those who look to us for guidance.

Heavenly Father, grant us the wisdom to choose our leaders wisely and the grace to lead others with a servant’s heart. Help us to walk in humility and inspire those around us to grow in faith and love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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